Thursday, March 27, 2014


Good morning world!

I'm Katie, a 22 year old from Texas. I have lived in Texas all my life, but I'm not your "stereotypical" Texan. No, we all don't ride horses to school or have a crazy accent. Actually, I don't even own a Cowboy hat or a pair of Cowboy boots! Even though I'm not what most people think of when they think of Texas, I do really love it here. I love the crazy, random weather changes, the sweet, hospitable people--everything!

My boyfriend, Ryan, didn't move to Texas until he was a Freshman in High school. The funny thing is, he doesn't classify himself as a Kansan. Down, deep in his heart he is a Texan and will always be a Texan. If his family hadn't moved here those 6 years ago we would have never met.

When Ryan and I met in February 2013; I had just left a relationship in November 2012 and was on the rebound. So, what does any girl do when she wants a quick flirt? She starts swooning over her server at a restaurant. I know what you're thinking: Katie is a creeper. But I promise you, I'm not! I just wanted someone to flirt with and Ryan was the perfect guy to do the job. It went from "just flirting" to "I bet my friend that I could get his number". Well, once I found out that he was going to be shipping for the Marine Corps in May that gave us a common interest (my brother has been in the Marines since 2009, so I have some history with the Corps). It didn't bother me that he was going to be joining because I wasn't expecting him to be permanent. Boy, was I wrong!

We spent 3 months together before he had to go to San Diego for his first installment of training: Boot Camp. That time was pretty dark for me since we hadn't been together very long. The insecurity was beginning to eat away at me and I felt more alone than I had ever felt in my whole life. I cried when I received every letter, bawled my eyes out when my mailbox was empty, but I didn't let that stop me from writing. Even though it had only been 3 months, I knew my heart was with him in San Diego.

Ten months later and he is stationed in Okinawa, Japan. My heart remains with him, just as it has since we met. I know that my support, faithfulness and strength don't go unnoticed. It is my goal to equipped women with the tools they need to be supportive, faithful and gain the strength they need to become the rock their Marines need in this lifestyle.

Stay strong and, as always, Semper Fi!

"For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love and self-sacrifice." -- John Burroughs

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