Friday, November 21, 2014

Let him have fun; By Jasmine Reffner

Let him have fun
By Jasmine Reffner

So have you ever sat there and wondered where your guy was when he was six? I know I can't be the only one who has dreamt, "If I only I met him when we were infants and grew up and fell in love". Yeah, yeah, I daydream like I'm in a teenage RomCom, sue me. I always have this overwhelming sensation of if only. Though, you know what they say about if only, right? Me either I'm just usually told to stop otherwise I'll cry until there's no tomorrow.
Anyway, I'm always lost in what I was doing when I was six. Granted, I'm 21 now so a good percentage of that is foggy and questionable, but it's there. I had one of the best childhoods imaginable. Call me lucky because Capri-Sun and Disney Channel were an unlimited supply in my household. I know I laughed and I know my dad tickled me until I couldn't breathe, but I can't hold onto any concrete memories. That's what I feel like for my man.
I've heard stories and am only able to paint what my mind imagines. When he was six he had books to read and playgrounds to play on, but it's different. He remembers the concrete memories because when he tells me about his books and playgrounds they're always this off shade dark gray with no room for vibrant reds or pastel blues, just gray. He wasn't reading any Clifford books, but ones they make you read in 11th grade English. I mean his mind was always years ahead of his body and I think that's why he looks like a 20-year-old, but is much older in heart.
You're probably asking why any of this matters and thinking that you don't care what I did or he did when we were six, but there's a point I promise. He enlisted for himself because he never saw himself as a man. You hear it everywhere, "Walk in a boy, walk out a man" when they realize he's becoming a Marine. I'm not going to lie he's certainly more of a man than he was when I met him way back when. I think becoming a Marine did that for him. He walked in a boy and sure as hell walked out a man.
So my point. You remember when I said he was far beyond his years at age six? Well between six and 12 he lost something. I couldn't pinpoint what because I don't think it's something physical. He never really had a chance to be a kid. He didn't have Capri-Sun and Disney like I did. He had two parents who loathed each other and a brother who was too little to play like a six year old should play. I guess what I'm trying to say is let him be a kid for once. He has responsibilities and he signed a contract to do his job, but tell him it's okay to have fun.
You are important as his girlfriend, fiancée, or wife, but what if his childhood was taken away before he even knew that it was okay to have fun? Maybe it's just me, but I keep seeing girls, women, left and right complaining they their man is doing something they don't necessarily approve of. Agree with me, don't agree with me, petition me to salute the officer's wife wearing civvies, but you can't deny the fact that they deserve to have fun, too.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Titanic Theory

Good Morning Gals!

This morning I told Ryan I was going to be writing about my "Titanic Theory" and he rolled his eyes.  From there I asked him if he remembered what my theory was.  He responded, "Katie, it's not really a theory.  It's just about that stupid lifeboat and if you would jump off.  That's not a theory!"  The sad part is, I don't care that he thinks it's stupid--I'm just happy he remembered what it was!

So, here you go peeps, my theory-that-isn't-really-a-theory-theory about Titanic:

I'm obsessed with Titanic and have been since I was a child.  Just the sheer grandeur of the vessel astounds me!  Ladies dressing up in their best attire, staying out late to have dinner and hang with their friends--it just sounds like a circle that this princess could only dream to be part of.

When I watch movies I tend to put myself in the position of the protagonist.  Obviously, I place myself in Rose's position: A 1st class girl who is marrying into money finds a "street rat" and falls in love.  Let me be honest with myself and with you all for a minute--I would love to be rich. I would love to be able to go to the Chanel store and just buy a $5,000 purse with no issue. Rose could have done that. Rose could have Betsey Johnson custom make her a gown and it wouldn't make a dent (at least for her Fiance since he had all the money).  Even if I had all of the money in the world I would like to think that I would choose love.

The movie is one of my favorites because of the scene where Rose jumps off the lifeboat to be with Jack.

This scene always puts a knot in my stomach and poses the question: would I jump off the lifeboat for Ryan?  Would I give up my "free pass" at living so Ryan and I could fight for our lives together?  But then there is another part of me that just thinks I would be dragging Ryan down.  Kinda like this:

It's funny, but true.  I'm a lot like Rose (Jack labeled her as an "indoor girl"), so I don't think I would do well fighting for my life on the Titanic.  However, I'm sure Ryan would rather fight through together than spend our last few hours apart.  When I asked him this morning what he would do if I jumped off the life boat he said, "I would just tell you how stupid you were for pulling that!" Oh, the things we do for love!

What would you do if you were on the Titanic? Abandon ship, or stay with your sweetie?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Just a little "Thank You"

Good Morning gals!

I really am having a brain meltdown this week.  I'm blaming it on the holidays, my birthday coming up and the fact that it snowed yesterday in Texas.  

There are times that I just don't realize how good my life really is.  There are so many girls who have to constantly worry about their boyfriend's life because he is deployed.  I don't have that problem.  I have a boyfriend who calls and texts me as often as he can.  I have a guy who ordered my birthday presents over a month in advance to make sure I got them on time for my special day (even if they have been staring me in the face for several weeks!).  I've recently realized how much I take those things for granted.  Those things have become expectations as opposed to "extras".  I used to thank him all the time for trying his best.  

I'm not the easiest person to please and Ryan tries his best to make me feel special from 7,000 miles away.  I have it good!