Friday, April 4, 2014

Waiting for him

I know several MilSOs in this world that believe when you wait for your man, want to be with him, or end up moving with him that you're weak. Today, I'm here to tell you that you're not! There is also the other end of that spectrum though, there are women who believe that if you're not sitting at home sobbing every moment, that you're not being faithful to your Marine. Once again, that is false! We want to find the happy medium between waiting for him and being independent. That's the good thing about this life! You can do both things!

1. Do things for yourself
Even if you moved across the country (or world) to be with your Marine, you can still do things for yourself. Whether that be getting your hair and nails done, going back to school, getting a job or having a hobby--you need to have something that is solely yours. He has his thing, and you need to have your thing. If you do this properly, you will have something to occupy your mind when he goes away again. If your focus is only on him and his accomplishments then when he leaves you will be even more depressed.
I know that if you have a child this could be a difficult thing to do, but try to do something during nap time. Maybe learn to knit, bake or sew.

2. He is your top priority 
Love is all about sacrifice. Yes your goals are important, but while he is in the Military they may take a back seat. Just take into consideration that you will be moving a lot if you're married to your Marine. When finding hobbies or goals, keep that in mind.
When he is away, I personally don't let anything get in the way of talking to him. I always answer my phone or a text message. I don't care where I'm at or what I'm doing. Ryan will always be first.

So yes, waiting is very important and shows your boyfriend/husband that you care. Just don't forget about yourself in the process!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Marine Corps Phrases

I got this information from one of my favorite websites: USMC Gals. However, I did make a few tweaks! So, for the full list, go to the hyperlink.

"First to Fight"
Marines have been in the forefront of every American war since the founding of the Corps 
They have carried out over 300 landings on foreign shores, served everywhere and they have a record of readiness 

"Semper Fi"
Marines have lived up to their motto, "Semper Fidelis" (Latin for Always Faithful)
Always Faithful to God, Country, and Corps 
It is proven because there has never been a mutiny among U.S. Marines 
It was adopted about 1883. 
Before Semper Fi, there had been three mottoes:
1. "Fortitudine" (With Fortitude), appeared about 1812.
2. "By Sea and by Land," was obviously a translation of the Royal Marines' "Per Mare, Per Terram."
3. "To the Shores of Tripoli," in commemoration of O'Bannon's capture of Derne in 1805. In 1848, after the return to Washington of the Marine battalion which took part in the capture of Mexico City, this motto was revised to "From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli."

"Devil Dogs"
During the Belleau Wood fighting in 1918, the Germans gave this title to United States Marines for fighting through supposedly impenetrable woods and capturing supposedly untakeable terrain. 
They soon had the Germans calling them, "Teufelhunde," referring to the fierce fighting dogs of legendary origin.

"Esprit de Corps"
The "spirit" of a unit. This spirit is commonly reflected by all members. 
Implies devotion and loyalty to the Marine Corps, with deep regard for history, traditions and honor.

The Marines' long-standing nickname goes back to the leather stock or neckpiece, which was part of the Marine uniform from 1775 to 1875. The leather bands around their throats were intended to ensure that Marines kept their heads erect.
A slang term used by sailors as early as World War II to refer to members of the Marine Corps, drawing the term from the resemblance of the Marine dress blues uniform, with its high collar, to a Mason jar.

"Soldiers of the Sea"
A traditional and functional term for Marines, dating back to the British in the 1600's.

"Once a Marine, Always a Marine"
This truism is now the official motto of the Marine Corps League. Once the title "U.S. Marine" has been earned, it is retained. There are no ex-Marines or former-Marines.
There are:
1. Active duty Marines
2. Retired Marines
3. Reserve Marines
4. Marine veterans
Nonetheless, once one has earned the title, he remains a Marine for life.

Please visit The USMC Gals Website! It's a wonderful place for information!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The little things

I'm just going to say it because everyone is thinking it: being apart from my boyfriend sucks! Here's just one reason why:

I will be chillin' at home when all the sudden a creepy, crawly Arachnid comes sprinting at me out of nowhere. When Ryan's home I'm allowed to scream and shout, "RYAN! THERE'S A SPIDER! KILL HIM!" And the love of my life will get up to kill the little beast to make the incessant screaming stop. When he has finished his quest of killing girlfriend eating spiders, he would come back over to the couch while we finish out TV show. When Ryan isn't at home here is how the scene looks: I see the spider. I scream. I go searching around the house for a shoe to squash it with, but when I return the spider has disappeared. So, I spend the rest of the day thinking it's going to come out and get me. I know, I know, I'm so pathetic! But all of us know that when you're used to having you spider killer at your side, it's hard to readjust when he is gone.

Even though Ryan isn't next to me every day there is something that we both do to make the distance seem less far: We celebrate. Every month on the 9th we have a little mini celebration for our "monthiversary". I know it sounds really cheesy, but when you never see the person you have to find reasons to celebrate. When he gets a raise we celebrate. When I get a raise (which hasn't happened yet...but we're crossing fingers for May!) we will celebrate. Anything that you can think of to celebrate, do it. It gives you something to look forward to when you talk and should cut down on little fights that you two have.

So next time your monthiversary comes up, celebrate! When he has a good day, celebrate! I promise that the celebrations will be positive for you and your Marine.

There ya go, short, sweet and to the point. Y'all better soak that in because it doesn't happen very often! Happy Hump day everyone!

Email me comments and suggestions!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What is a MoM?

I have had ties with the Marine Corps since 2009 and I had never heard or seen the term "MoM". My Mother never used it to my knowledge, so there was no way for me to know.

Definition of a MoM:
MoM- Title of a Marine Mother, "Mother of Marine".

When I entered this world I had no idea Moms wore the title of Marine Mom just as proudly as a girlfriend or wife. I know my own Mom did and still does, but I thought she was the exception, not the rule. It makes me happy to see Moms supporting their sons joining the Marine Corps. But, I think we as girlfriends/wives don't give MoMs enough credit. Because I'm a list person, today is going to be a list of things that us girlfriends need to remember when speaking to your MIL, or any other Marine Mom. When reading this article try to be open minded.

1. They are sharing their son with you
Whether your boyfriend was a Momma's boy, or not--his Mother has been the only woman in his life. Yes, he may have been dating around for a while, but you're the new girl in town now. In his mom's mind you're the "other woman" and you actually are. Here is why: for 16, 17, 18+ years of his life, he has been completely dependent upon his Mom to take care of him. Now that he is grown, these MoMs have their own inner battle to fight: dealing with their son "leaving the nest". As girlfriends and even wives, we need to be sensitive to that. It's a difficult thing for us to grasp since most of us don't have children, but one day you will and I'm sure you wouldn't want your Son's girlfriend demanding you to "cut the cord". If it weren't for his Mom you wouldn't have him at all; not to mention he wouldn't be the gentleman that she raised him to be. So, instead of resenting her, thank her for raising the man you fell in love with. It's because of her that he is the wonderful man he is.  

2. They've "been there, done that"
There are certain MoMs that I have daily conversations with. I gather advice from them about life, my relationship and other problems I'm having. They know what they're talking about, so hear them out!

3. They understand
When you cultivate a relationship with a Marine Mom, they understand what you're going through, but on a different level. Just think about it, the boy they raised and cared for since birth is leaving them to go on his own adventure. And for you girls it's: the man and relationship you loved and cared for is leaving you. But the huge difference between MoMs and S/Os is that when you get married, you will eventually be able to go with him. Yeah he will have deployments or additional trainings that will take him away for a short time, but his home will be with you. A MoM doesn't have that comfort. Just something else that us girlfriends/wives need to take a look at and be sensitive about.

I could go on for a long time about MoMs and how great they are. Just remember, be understanding. You can make some great relationships with MoMs if you give them a chance!

Tell me what you think!

Monday, March 31, 2014

MilSO Sisters

I know that I've mentioned it before, but MilSO (Military Significant Others) Sisters is very important. So today I'm going to focus on different aspects of being a MilSO.

When Ryan went to boot camp I had no idea what an S/O or MilSO was. I didn't join the Military, so why should I have acronyms that I have to learn too!? That just made me crazy thinking people could be labeled as a Marine MilSO or an S/O of some one in the Military. I just couldn't wrap my head around that. But then I joined our special Echo Company Boot Camp Support Page and met my friend, Jean. By the time I found the group and joined it, there were only 2 weeks left before graduation--that didn't stop Jean and I from growing close. After 11 weeks of being alone and not having anyone else I was ecstatic to finally have someone that understood exactly what I was going through and certain peace came over me.

Jean and I spoke every day until she moved with her Fiance after he completed his MOS training. Now she and I work together on boot camp support pages for S/Os. Every girl who is waiting for her boyfriend/husband during boot camp deserves to have that special relationship that we acquired. If it weren't for Jean, I wouldn't have known what a real MilSO sister feels like. So, thank you Jean for being an amazing friend. It wouldn't have been as easy without you!

Since boot camp, I've grown close with several girls through Facebook Networking. Yes, at times they are the only people who truly understand what I'm going through and that's why they are important. You need to have a strong clique of MilSO sisters that "get it". I can't tell you that enough.

With being a MilSO and having your Sisters around you, there is bound to be jealously. Check out the video below. Alexis says it way better than I ever could (He really starts to get to the nitty gritty of what he is saying around 3:30):
Alexis Chevrony says is best in his YouTube video, Military Wives--LEAVE EACH OTHER ALONE!
I absolutely love Alexis and what he says in his videos. If you don't follow him, you should. He also has a Facebook Fan page.
Like he says in the video above, we are all each other has, so why do we feel the need to be catty and jealous? No matter what branch of the Military your S/O is in, we are all part of the same team! Don't get upset when you see another girl's Facebook status when her man comes home because that will be you in X months. Be happy for your sisters, not resentful. Before I saw this video I was one of those girls that would look at those supportive Facebook status and get mad or upset; Now it makes me so happy to see women supporting their husband/boyfriend.

All of that to say, you need your MilSO sisters. If you have a sister that you are close to, thank her.
For tomorrow, be ready for a post about the importance of having relationships with Military Moms! They're awesome too!

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