Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What is a MoM?

I have had ties with the Marine Corps since 2009 and I had never heard or seen the term "MoM". My Mother never used it to my knowledge, so there was no way for me to know.

Definition of a MoM:
MoM- Title of a Marine Mother, "Mother of Marine".

When I entered this world I had no idea Moms wore the title of Marine Mom just as proudly as a girlfriend or wife. I know my own Mom did and still does, but I thought she was the exception, not the rule. It makes me happy to see Moms supporting their sons joining the Marine Corps. But, I think we as girlfriends/wives don't give MoMs enough credit. Because I'm a list person, today is going to be a list of things that us girlfriends need to remember when speaking to your MIL, or any other Marine Mom. When reading this article try to be open minded.

1. They are sharing their son with you
Whether your boyfriend was a Momma's boy, or not--his Mother has been the only woman in his life. Yes, he may have been dating around for a while, but you're the new girl in town now. In his mom's mind you're the "other woman" and you actually are. Here is why: for 16, 17, 18+ years of his life, he has been completely dependent upon his Mom to take care of him. Now that he is grown, these MoMs have their own inner battle to fight: dealing with their son "leaving the nest". As girlfriends and even wives, we need to be sensitive to that. It's a difficult thing for us to grasp since most of us don't have children, but one day you will and I'm sure you wouldn't want your Son's girlfriend demanding you to "cut the cord". If it weren't for his Mom you wouldn't have him at all; not to mention he wouldn't be the gentleman that she raised him to be. So, instead of resenting her, thank her for raising the man you fell in love with. It's because of her that he is the wonderful man he is.  

2. They've "been there, done that"
There are certain MoMs that I have daily conversations with. I gather advice from them about life, my relationship and other problems I'm having. They know what they're talking about, so hear them out!

3. They understand
When you cultivate a relationship with a Marine Mom, they understand what you're going through, but on a different level. Just think about it, the boy they raised and cared for since birth is leaving them to go on his own adventure. And for you girls it's: the man and relationship you loved and cared for is leaving you. But the huge difference between MoMs and S/Os is that when you get married, you will eventually be able to go with him. Yeah he will have deployments or additional trainings that will take him away for a short time, but his home will be with you. A MoM doesn't have that comfort. Just something else that us girlfriends/wives need to take a look at and be sensitive about.

I could go on for a long time about MoMs and how great they are. Just remember, be understanding. You can make some great relationships with MoMs if you give them a chance!

Tell me what you think!


  1. Katie you are a beautiful woman and every MoM would be blessed to have someone like you in her sons life. I am so happy we met thru Echo last year and please continue your great writing!
    PS Item #1 was wonderfully written and much appreciated <3

  2. Katie, thank you!! You truly understand a MoM's heart! I hope when Zach find someone she has your understanding and heart. I also hope your mother in law or future mother in law sees you for the gem you are!!

  3. omg i LOVE this article! My son is currently in Basic MCRD SanDiego... he married his 17yr old GF month b4 he left.. unfortunately his GF & his new Mother in-law have already managed to push me COMPLETELY out of the picture. Am happy to know atleast someone SOMEWHERE get's JUST how painful this is for me. Thank you.

  4. Thank you for this post. My Marine's mom is a wonderful woman. And there were times where she was upset because I got a letter and she didn't, this post opened up my eyes to why she was so upset. It's her son. I'm just the girlfriend. She's been the one for years, and I've swooped in and her baby boy is my man.

  5. thank you so much for sharing with this MoM... you have a beautiful heart and I agree any more could learn from you and GF about having a relationship together as it should be. Thank you

  6. Beautiful and true. Thank you Katie.
