New Marine Recruit S/O

So, your husband/boyfriend signed up to be in the USMC (United Stated Marine Corps). Now what?

Surround yourself with supportive people:

○ Search Facebook for support pages for families, friends and S/Os (Significant Others). No one will understand better than they about what you're going through.

○ This is also the best place to get support

○ Marine Family Network is also a great place for information, but I wouldn't recommend going there solely for support.

○ Try to find local Marine support groups to gain additional support

Before he leaves:

○ Take lots of pictures together

○ Have him make a video of himself so you can hear his voice

○ Keep some shirts that still smell like him

○ Give him a Bible and write a motivational note inside/highlight motivational verses

○ Stay Positive!!!

Motivational/Helpful Websites:

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