Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Elle Woods' Guide: Getting through a Break Up

Good Morning Gals!

I was waiting to post this because I knew it would be my last entry. I will not be blogging any more and the heading of this post explains why. I'm going to miss writing my little words of wisdom, but I can find another hobby! Or better yet...maybe start a different blog! :) 

We have all had moments like this in a relationship:

Sometimes, it is enough. However, most of the time if you're in a relationship like Elle was in--it's not going to work out and you're on the road to a break up.

After the initial break up you will go through phases:





What you should do:
Spend a lot of time with Family and friends
When Elle traveled to Harvard she left a lot of her friends behind. Even though they were far, she still talked to them on the phone. Not to mention she made some new friends along her journey. (Thank heaven for chick flicks!) 

Do something for yourself
Because a break up can do some bad things to your self image. So, go out and do something that makes you feel pretty, loved and wanted. Every time you saw Elle outside of class, she was usually making herself look fabulous at the local salon! She also met one of her closest friends there. You never know the people you're gonna meet, so go out and make friends! 

Put the phone down
Yeah, he would text you all day, every day. That's why you need to step away from your phone (and Facebook). If you have it on your person 24/7 you'll be waiting for a text from him right after the break up. 
Legally Blonde was made in 2001, so Elle didn't have to deal with all the social media pressures of today.

Use this time to find yourself
For the past X years or X months you've been attached at the hip to your man. It's hard redefining yourself, but you can do it. You're no longer "Samantha 'n' Blake". Now you're just "Samantha". Instead of resenting that, embrace it! Be your own person! Elle kind of missed the mark on this when she followed Warner to Harvard, but if she hadn't done that she wouldn't have found her passion! 

Work out
The picture below says it all:

Accomplish your goals
Just because you're single doesn't mean you can give up on yourself! Keep going for your dreams, like Elle did! Even when she knew that a relationship with Warner wasn't going to work out

What you shouldn't do:
Enter a relationship right away
Elle Woods did find love in the movie, but she wasn't looking for it. If you enter a relationship right away you can't give your new man your whole heart and that's what he deserves. If you want your happily ever after, give yourself some time to heal before you get into another serious relationship.

Harm yourself or others
We all think that the end of your relationship will be the end of our world, but it won't. Don't do physical harm to yourself because you believe that's what you're supposed to do. Try lifting yourself up instead! To make herself and everyone around her feel better, Elle used the snap cup to aid in complimenting other people!

My last point for this post is: 

At the end of it all, don't let this break up change you or get you down! You are going to be worth it to some one. Don't let this one guy make you unfocused on who you are or what you're trying to accomplish. 


  1. Very well said.. sending you big hugs and keep blogging, you have touched many young women! <3
