Friday, April 4, 2014

Waiting for him

I know several MilSOs in this world that believe when you wait for your man, want to be with him, or end up moving with him that you're weak. Today, I'm here to tell you that you're not! There is also the other end of that spectrum though, there are women who believe that if you're not sitting at home sobbing every moment, that you're not being faithful to your Marine. Once again, that is false! We want to find the happy medium between waiting for him and being independent. That's the good thing about this life! You can do both things!

1. Do things for yourself
Even if you moved across the country (or world) to be with your Marine, you can still do things for yourself. Whether that be getting your hair and nails done, going back to school, getting a job or having a hobby--you need to have something that is solely yours. He has his thing, and you need to have your thing. If you do this properly, you will have something to occupy your mind when he goes away again. If your focus is only on him and his accomplishments then when he leaves you will be even more depressed.
I know that if you have a child this could be a difficult thing to do, but try to do something during nap time. Maybe learn to knit, bake or sew.

2. He is your top priority 
Love is all about sacrifice. Yes your goals are important, but while he is in the Military they may take a back seat. Just take into consideration that you will be moving a lot if you're married to your Marine. When finding hobbies or goals, keep that in mind.
When he is away, I personally don't let anything get in the way of talking to him. I always answer my phone or a text message. I don't care where I'm at or what I'm doing. Ryan will always be first.

So yes, waiting is very important and shows your boyfriend/husband that you care. Just don't forget about yourself in the process!


  1. I attend CTU, which is where a lot of vets or current armed forces members attend. I've heard from so many that they wish their wives would have gotten a degree, just so they could have their own career. My career will take a backseat to my husband's (not saying all women should) but I will have my own career.

    1. I actually had a section about college that I took out, Jes :) But I totally agree with you! Focusing on yourself and making yourself a better person is a wonderful thing :)
