Monday, March 31, 2014

MilSO Sisters

I know that I've mentioned it before, but MilSO (Military Significant Others) Sisters is very important. So today I'm going to focus on different aspects of being a MilSO.

When Ryan went to boot camp I had no idea what an S/O or MilSO was. I didn't join the Military, so why should I have acronyms that I have to learn too!? That just made me crazy thinking people could be labeled as a Marine MilSO or an S/O of some one in the Military. I just couldn't wrap my head around that. But then I joined our special Echo Company Boot Camp Support Page and met my friend, Jean. By the time I found the group and joined it, there were only 2 weeks left before graduation--that didn't stop Jean and I from growing close. After 11 weeks of being alone and not having anyone else I was ecstatic to finally have someone that understood exactly what I was going through and certain peace came over me.

Jean and I spoke every day until she moved with her Fiance after he completed his MOS training. Now she and I work together on boot camp support pages for S/Os. Every girl who is waiting for her boyfriend/husband during boot camp deserves to have that special relationship that we acquired. If it weren't for Jean, I wouldn't have known what a real MilSO sister feels like. So, thank you Jean for being an amazing friend. It wouldn't have been as easy without you!

Since boot camp, I've grown close with several girls through Facebook Networking. Yes, at times they are the only people who truly understand what I'm going through and that's why they are important. You need to have a strong clique of MilSO sisters that "get it". I can't tell you that enough.

With being a MilSO and having your Sisters around you, there is bound to be jealously. Check out the video below. Alexis says it way better than I ever could (He really starts to get to the nitty gritty of what he is saying around 3:30):
Alexis Chevrony says is best in his YouTube video, Military Wives--LEAVE EACH OTHER ALONE!
I absolutely love Alexis and what he says in his videos. If you don't follow him, you should. He also has a Facebook Fan page.
Like he says in the video above, we are all each other has, so why do we feel the need to be catty and jealous? No matter what branch of the Military your S/O is in, we are all part of the same team! Don't get upset when you see another girl's Facebook status when her man comes home because that will be you in X months. Be happy for your sisters, not resentful. Before I saw this video I was one of those girls that would look at those supportive Facebook status and get mad or upset; Now it makes me so happy to see women supporting their husband/boyfriend.

All of that to say, you need your MilSO sisters. If you have a sister that you are close to, thank her.
For tomorrow, be ready for a post about the importance of having relationships with Military Moms! They're awesome too!

Email me comments! 

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