Monday, April 21, 2014

The Uniform

I have a really bad case of the Mondays today, so I apologize in advance. But, today I'm going to discuss something that has been on my mind a lot lately: The Uniform. 

When we date or marry someone in the Military that comes with several responsibilities. We chose him not his occupation, but in order to be with him you must accept several challenges that the Military will, inevitably throw your way. To compensate for this new lifestyle, a lot of girls go "moto". The Urban Dictionary definition of moto is shown below:

Being moto isn't necessarily a bad thing, but you can't forget who he was before the Marine Corps. For most of us, we fell in love with our guy before he joined the Military and it's been an adjustment. The days when he can't talk, writing letters instead of texting, sleepless nights because you haven't heard from him for a week, 3 weeks, a month, several months--we have all been there. Sometimes we forget that we didn't get this strong overnight, just like the Military doesn't make Marines, Sailors, Airmen or Soldiers overnight. They go through training to get where they are now, but that training shouldn't make you look at your boyfriend or husband differently. Yes, he is in the Military and that is something that should make you proud! Just don't forget those years or months that you spent with him before he earned his title. He looks at you as so much more than a "Marine girlfriend", "Army Wife", "Air force Wife", etc. So, why do we women only call our men "My Marine", "My Coastie", etc.? Calling them that is just fine, but don't make that the only way you identify your boyfriend/husband. He is so much more than that. Always remember:


Like I said before, there isn't anything wrong with calling him by his title. Just don't forget where he came from.

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