Tuesday, October 28, 2014

"Knight in Shining Armour"

Morning Chikas!

I really feel like I've been such a downer lately and I'm sorry for that.  Today isn't going to be a particularly peppy post either, so brace yourselves!

 I have been told that my sense of love and romanticism is severely warped.  This could be true, but I don't think there is a girl who doesn't want their Knight in Shining Armour to save them from the crazy wiles of this world.  This is a cheesy concept and every girl might not want to admit it, but she wants someone who will fight for her.  Girls want to feel protected, loved and taken care of.  It's just part of our nature!

Lately, I have tried to be realistic about the KISA (Knight in Shining Armour): I tend to think of this concept too literally (like I did when I was a little girl).  I find the need to feel "saved" so much that I have way too many expectations out of my relationship.  I will totally admit that sometimes I expect the "happily ever after" where Ryan and I ride white horses off into the sunset.  That's not reality.

I know I'm not alone in all of these things.  When girls enter this lifestyle with their boyfriend or husband, they come with the expectation their hero will save them from anything.  What we sometimes fail to understand is that our KISA is off fighting his own monsters.  He often doesn't have time to coddle us because of our false sense of what a "fairy tale" ending is.  Your Knight in Shining Armour needs you to be emotionally strong and stable because he won't always be there to slay your dragons for you.  We need to learn to slay our own dragons!

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