Friday, October 24, 2014


Good Morning Chikas!

Today I'm going to just discuss something silly with all my readers out there: your crazy obsessions!  The good thing about obsessions (or at least for me), they tend to zen and center you when you're feeling crazy about life in general.  So, take a look at my crazy:

The Bachelor and The Bachelorette:

I can never get enough drama which is why I love these shows, but I still love me some Reality Steve and can't get enough of his snide comments!  I love him just as much as the shows! 

Painting my nails:

I paint my nails between 3-5 times in a week because it's very relaxing to me.  After I've had a really hard day at work and I can't stand to look at any more school work--I paint my nails.  When life around me is crashing down, I know that when you put colored nail polish over a base coat and add the best Fast drying top coat ever, it won't be a disappointment.  (Disclaimer: I didn't paint these, but I loved the design!)

I would love to hear about your obsessions too! Send me an email of you doing one (such as painting your nails, cleaning, making care packages, etc.) and I'll post a picture! 

1 comment:

  1. My guilty pleasure... Real Housewives. Beverly Hills. Orange County. and NY.
    Don't judge. ;-)

