Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Censoring your Facebook Posts

Good morning gals!

I've never been a fan of over advertising my relationship. Yeah, some mushy things here and there don't bother me, but when you're constantly posting about how happy/unhappy you are with your man--us mortals tend to get annoyed. Today I'm going to give you a few instances as to why this would be annoying to some of us and how to fix that.

Excessively posting in a group:
Positive Posting:
It's always great when your man comes home on leave and we all want to brag about it! But while you're bragging, just remember that there are some girls who are still separated from their man. Try to be sensitive to every one's feelings in the group! Take your moment, but give other girls their moment as well! Remember, this lifestyle is all about being understanding!

Negative Posting: 
I have said this before and I will say it again--Think before you post! If post something that might cause mass panic, don't post it! Emotions in this lifestyle always seem to run high and you can't post everything negative that's going on with your guy. This won't only cause you to panic more, but it will cause every mom, girlfriend, wife, dad, etc., to panic as well.

On that same note, don't air your dirty laundry out in a Facebook group. Your relationship is your business! Talking to a friend one-on-one is usually better and (at least for me), it's very calming. When you post in a Facebook group it tends to be a "free for all" where all your girlfriends gang up on your man. Honestly, that's not cool. How would you feel if he did that with his friends every time you got in a fight?

What You can do instead:
Talk to a friend one-on-one about your issues. Don't make it a "bashing session" (even though sometimes we need to vent), but instead look for counsel from a friend you trust. This is a healthier way to deal with the ups and downs this lifestyle tends to come with.

Excessively posting on your Facebook:
Negative/Positive Posting:
I'm not going to sugar coat anything about this one. No one cares. 80-90% of your Facebook friends probably aren't MilSOs (unless you add random girls you've never talked to) and they just don't care. They don't care that you haven't seen him in over 100 days. They don't really want to see what you have to say. What they do seem to like is pictures! But, who doesn't like pictures?!

Keep your posting to a minimum. If you post all the time you don't give anyone a chance to be happy or sad for you. It's like in Everybody loves Raymond: Frank and Marie are over at Ray and Deborah's house all the time they don't give anyone the chance to miss them! Give us all a chance to miss you and your posts! This isn't Twitter, people!

What you can do instead:
Create a list of people that you know would care about those posts! My list is called "MilSO". It has all of the MilSO friends I've added and on posts I know only they care about I make it only visible to them. Facebook makes it very easy for us!

Excessively posting to his Facebook Wall:
Negative/Positive Posting:
There is something that we all need to remember, he is a Marine. To you he is the love of your life, but to his friends and fellow Marines he is supposed to be a machine. Those are his "bros" and he has to hold a certain image so he doesn't get tortured by said "bros". Be sensitive to that! Don't go posting sweet nothings to his wall 1,000,000,000 times a day because you miss him. I promise you his friends will never let him live it down. As Ryan always says, "Happy man is the plan!" So, keep him happy!

What you can do instead: 
Send him something personal like a text or a message. It will make him smile to see something sweet from you when he gets off work or wakes up! Try not to keep your conversations mushy and serious all the time! Have fun with each other! Yeah, he is far and you miss him, but keep the laughter alive in your relationship!


  1. Nice one Ryan! �� I myself am more partial towards, "happy girlfriend makes the world spin." LOL!

    LOVE this. LOVE you! Can everyone just pleaseeeeee read this post! ��

    1. I need to remember that so I can tell him when he calls tomorrow! WOOHOO! I've got a good comeback! :D
