Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Songs that get me through

Recently I have felt at a loss for words. When this happens, I will listen to music (or binge on TV shows. I just finished Pokemon and now I'm on to all the seasons of Survivor before my free week of HuluPlus is up!) So, today I thought I would show you all a few songs I have listened to multiple times: Love Song by 311 and Where'd You Go by Fort Minor.

Warning about Where'd You go if you haven't heard it before: It's very sad and it will make you cry if you're not prepared for it. There are some real people speaking about real life experiences and one of them is a military family. If you want to skip over that, the song begins at 1:04 and ends at 4:26.

Love Song, 311
(Above is the link to the video if the embedded video doesn't work on your phone)

(Above is the link to the video if the embedded video doesn't work on your phone)

I'm sorry for such the short post today, but Japan has felt even further than normal. I just need to keep singing: "However far away...However long I stay...whatever words I say, I will always love you" 

Thank you all for reading and watching. Those of you that put up with my nonsensical writings day in and day out, your loyalties make me feel special.   

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