Monday, April 14, 2014

What is Pain?

Those that know me well know that I'm obsessed with several things. I won't bore you with everything, but for the sake of my post today I will be talking about one of my obsessions: The Princess Bride. As a child I would watch the movie over and over again. I could quote every line and hum all the music. For me "obsession" was an understatement. But there is one quote that always stuck out to me (and not just because my Dad would constantly quote it):

As someone dating or married to a Marine, there is a lot of pain. Every time you say "see ya later" gets harder. If I wasn't upfront with every girl that I talk to about that, I would be selling something, just like Westley states in his quote above. 

Just to explain The Princess Bride a little more for those who have never seen it: Westley and Buttercup fall madly in love. Because Westley is poor and has no money he decides to sail to America and build a life for them.  

All of that mini recap to say: There is a little bit of Buttercup in all of us who are dating a man in the Military. We wait, we cry, we wish he were there to pick us up when we are down. But because of his absence, we find our own inner strength and independence. All of us live our daily lives without the man of our dreams, but we become stronger through the whole process. 

Yes, life is pain, but...

Because of our pain, we become stronger. The fictional character, Buttercup can attest to that. But the non fictional character, Katie can also back up that statement. You may feel alone, but you aren't--you may feel like no one has felt pain like you have, but you're wrong. There are so many other women who have been through what you have and came out stronger because of it. 

"Pain makes you stronger. Tears make you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser. So thank the past for a better future."

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